Thursday, November 18, 2004


The Second Child

My dear little Alyssa is 1-year old today! I am reflective today, thinking back on my pregnancy with Alyssa and how it was different from my pregnancy with my son, Chase, 4 years ago. I feel that with Alyssa, I spent too much time of my pregnancy worrying. I worried about the possibility of needing another C-section, I worried about not being able to have a natural childbirth without drugs, I worried about our finances, I worried about not having enough time or enough love to give the best care for 2 children and I worried that I was worrying too much! The bottom line is, I spent too much time giving energy and thought to events and problems that had not happened when I could have been busy savoring my pregnancy and imagining how much fun having a second child would be.

The way things actually turned out did not reflect my fears. I had a speedy labor, no painkillers (although I came close!) and pushed for only 15 minutes before having a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after C-section). I have loved having a second child. I was not sure about having a second child initially, but following God's direction, my husband and I decided against our original course of having only one child. As many mothers had shared with me, I found that the amount of love in our household has actually multiplied. I did not "run out of love" after getting married and having my first child. Instead, I seem to have even more love to give now that Alyssa is in my life. I love watching Alyssa and her brother having fun together and sharing loving moments. I love watching Alyssa and her Daddy loving each other. I love watching all 3 of them loving each other. I feel built up by the love that I get from my children and my husband.

God is good all the time and I am delivered from fear. I give thanks to the Almighty Lord for blessing me with so much love in my family and I pray that I will continue to enjoy my family and serve them well.
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